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작성자 조*아 등록날짜 2008-09-06 15:03:23 / 조회수 : 2,081
  • online apply 를 끝낸후에 받은 email 입니다.
    오늘 막 form 186 과 haksa diploma 를 학교에서 받았습니다.

    rule 이 바꼈다고 하는 것 같은데..
    제가 이 두가지 서류를 우편으로 보내는 것이 아니고 학교에서 직접
    발송하여야 하는 건지 의문이 들어서요...
    좀 알려주세요...

    Dear Doctor:

    According to the records of the Educational Commission for
    Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG(r)), you have submitted an application for a
    United States Medical Licensing Examination (tm) (USMLE(tm)) examination.

    This is to advise you that, due to implementation of new
    processing procedures, the time currently required for ECFMG to process applications for
    USMLE examinations is up to 6 weeks from the date of receipt of the complete
    application. This exceeds the 3 week period referenced in the ECFMG Information Booklet and
    application materials. We expect this delay to be temporary.

    An application is not considered complete until ECFMG has
    received the on-line part of the application; the Certification of Identification
    Form (Form 186) or Certification Statement (Form 183), if required; and any other
    required documents.

    If you are required to submit a Certification of Identification
    Form (Form 186) or Certification Statement (Form 183) to complete your application,
    and the form is signed by an official of your medical school, the original, signed form
    must be sent to ECFMG directly from the office of this official.

    ECFMG must be able to determine that the Certification of
    Identification Form (Form 186) or Certification Statement (Form 183) was sent directly
    from the office of the medical school official who certified the form. If ECFMG, in
    its judgment, determines that the form may not have been sent directly from the office of the
    medical school official who certified the form, the form will not be accepted.

    You may track the status of your application by using ECFMG's
    On-line Applicant Status and Information System (OASIS). Access OASIS on the ECFMG
    website at www.ecfmg.org.
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